In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first women to be ordained priests in the Episcopal Church, we’ve had an amazing series of saints and sermons this summer at the Cathedral, about women, by women. Our staff and guest women preachers offered their reflections on women saints, some well-known and others unfamiliar to many persons. If you have missed any, or would like to hear them again, click on the images below for individual sermons, or visit the Cathedral’s YouTube podcast page to view the entire series.
Julian of norwich
Melania the elder
Evelyn Underhill
Preacher: The Very Rev. Rebecca McClain
Isabel Florence Hapgood
Preacher: The Rev. Arianne Rice
Pauli Murray
Preacher: The Rev. Chris McCloud, Canon to the Ordinary
Eva Lee Matthews
Preacher: Canon Kate Riley
Priscilla and Aquila
Preacher: The Rev. Kate Bryant
Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer
Preacher: The Rev. Dina van Klaveren, Canon for Stewardship and Development
Philadelphia 11 Anniversary
Preacher: The Rev. Shancia Jarrett-Ingram, Canon for Formation
Joanna, Mary and Salome
Preacher: The Rev. Carol Pinkham Oak
Clare of Assisi
Preacher: The Rev. Kristin Krantz, Canon for Transitions
Florence Nightingale
Preacher: The Rev. Joanna White, Canon for Pastoral Services
Margaret Ward, Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line
Preacher: The Rev. Elizabeth Masterson
Phoebe, Deacon
Preacher: The Venerable Ruth Elder