Leadership 2024
Cathedral Ministry Team
The Very Rev. Rob Boulter, Dean — has direct responsibility for worship, pastoral care, evangelism and administration. rboulter@incarnationbmore.org
The Rev. James Snodgrass, Associate for Mission & Engagement – works part-time to help us put our faith into action through our justice and outreach initiatives. He also preaches and presides on Sundays and leads occasional formation opportunities. jsnodgrass@incarnationbmore.org
Ken Brown, Canon for Music and Worship — is responsible for all music activities including direction of the Cathedral Choir and Consort. Ken is assisted by Joey Shortall who directs the Children’s Choir and Beau Lochte who directs the Bell Choir. music@incarnationbmore.org
Betty Symington, Executive Director of ERICA (Episcopal Refugee and Immigrant Center Alliance) — directs the Cathedral’s largest Justice and Outreach ministry. info@erica-baltimore.org
Daniel Jacoby, Assistant Director of ERICA. Focus on “Pathways to College,” ERICA website and fundraising. info@erica-baltimore.org
Ryan James, Cathedral Administrator. Manages community communications, parish database and general administrative siupport. office@incarnationbmore.org
Lisa Boudreaux, Associate for Communications Coordinates all our communication channels including the weekly eNews, Community Highlights bulletin insert, website, social media postings, as well as marketing materials. lboudreaux@incarnationbmore.org
Jay Boggs, Cathedral Bookkeeper — leads an organization called Cornerstone Financials, which provides back-office support for churches and non-profit organizations.
Terrell Brown, AV Coordinator — is responsible for audio and video presentations of the Cathedral.
The Rev. Dr. Jon Shematek, Communications Coordinator — provides oversight of the Cathedral website, social media, and other parish communications. communications@incarnationbmore.org
David Naka assists Jon Shematek, produces the Friday eNews. communications@incarnationbmore.org
Assisting Clergy and Ministers
The Rev. Charles Cloughen, Jr.
Planned Giving Officer
The Rev. Beth McNamara
FaceBook Contributor
The Rev. Elizabeth Masterson
The Ven. Lauren Welch
The Chapter is responsible for the governance of the corporate and temporal affairs of the Cathedral. Members are elected during the Annual Meeting, which is ordinarily held on the last Sunday of January. Each year four members retire from The Chapter and four new members are elected to serve a three-year term. Together with the Dean and staff of the Cathedral, the Chapter establishes the vision, fosters the spirit of stewardship, and secures the funds to maintain the Cathedral’s ministries.
Chapter Officers
Chris Kuczynski
Senior Warden
Dubar Ndyabahika
Junior Warden
Anne Mickel
Naomi Horiba