Plans for an expansion of fossil fuel export facilities are now on PAUSE.  On Friday, Jan. 26th, the White House directed the Department of Environment to pause the approval process for permits.  The DOE will conduct, for the first time, a review that evaluates the impacts of fossil fuel exports on energy costs, energy security and the environment. See link and this statement from the White House.—The Creation Care team welcomes this news and all actions that promote more sustainable and just ways to live with each other and our planet.   We thank you for your advocacy letters (letter below).  The CCT will alert the Cathedral community when the period of public comment on the DOE’s review begins.  

To The Honorable Jennifer Granholm

Secretary of Energy

U.S. Department of Energy

1000 Independence Ave. SW

Washington DC 20585

I urge you to deny the export licenses for the 20 new LNG (liquefied natural gas) export terminals in the Gulf of Mexico.

These fuel projects are NOT in the public interest because LNG terminals are NOT less damaging to the climate. The carbon and methane emissions associated with LNG, due to leakages at every stage of the export process, will do more damage to the climate than coal already does.

Our national interest CANNOT be separated from this damaging trajectory. If the 20 LNG facilities are built and permitted, there will be an extra 3.2 billion tons of greenhouse-gas emissions annually. This is close to the entire annual emissions of the EU.

Moreover, the US is exporting natural gas and importing price volatility. It is unacceptable that LNG (liquified natural gas) exports are linked to higher energy prices in the US, prices that worsen energy-poverty and income- inequality for the most vulnerable in our states and coastal communities.

LNG is NOT the transitional fuel or energy source we need. I urge you to deny these export permits for new LNG terminals in the Louisiana and Gulf of Mexico area. Help the U.S. get back on track.

Thank you for your leadership on this matter.